Free Resources to Boost Employee Wellbeing, Performance, & Inclusion
LEAD empowers employees with no-fluff mental health training, coaching, and consulting to proactively prevent burnout, maximize productivity, and foster psychological safety in the workplace.
I don’t need more resources…I need LEAD’s professional expertise!
Previous Webinar Recordings
Into the Thick of It: Calling People In & Racial Microaggressions Out
New Year, New Me(ntal Health): How to Protect Your Energy in 2023
Rest Up & Fight Back! (Part 2 of 3): How to Reimagine Active Listening as an Act of Political Warfare (58 minutes)
Rest Up & Fight Back! (Part 1 of 3): How to Reimagine Self-Care as an Act of Political Warfare (58 minutes)
Crisis Averted: Prevent the #GreatResignation of Diverse Talent (58 minutes)
Recharge & Rejuvenate: Proactive Self-Care vs. Reactive Stress Management at Work (55 minutes)
Black Lives (Still) Matter: Using Microinterventions to Interrupt Race-Based Microaggressions at Work (55 minutes)
3 Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome at Work (50 minutes)
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Taking Action Beyond Social Media
Strategies to Promote the Mental Health of LGBTQIA2S+ Employees (68 minutes)
LGBTQIA2S+ Mental Health & Inclusion at Work (60 minutes)
Reintegration Anxiety 101 (60 minutes)
3 Steps to Maximizing Diversity Initiatives in 2021 (90 Minutes)
3 Steps to Overcoming COVID-19 Collective Trauma at Work (90 Minutes)
How Positive Psychology Can Boost Innovation at Work (90 Minutes)
From Surviving to Thriving: How to Build Personal & Company-Wide Resilience (90 Minutes)
Finally, Receive “News You Can Use”
Read a Recent Workplace NYCU Newsletter
Your Ultimate Guide to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) for HR Leaders & Organizations
Download LEAD’s Ultimate Guide for HR Professionals!
Download LEAD’s Ultimate Guide for HR Leaders & Organizations for FREE here.
Your Free Mental Health & DEI Training Audit

In this episode, Kyrah Altman, co-founder & CEO of LEAD Inc., the industry leader in mental health and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice & Belonging (DEI-JB) education, joins The Okay Days to talk about mental health education.
We talk about LEAD’s 10 years of programming, the differences between mental illness and mental health, and how we can't have mental health education without DEI-JB education to turn awareness into action.
CEO’s: Check out this animation from LEAD about what kind of CEO you are!
Learn from LEAD how you can build self-care into your busy schedule!
Practice drawing your breath with LEAD